We have 10 years of data that describes why organizations struggle with Agile. Centralizing project management didn’t help us understand what’s going on with our projects. Centralizing HR didn’t engage our employees. Centralizing our process improvement group didn’t improve anything.

So why is it we think hiring a VP of Agile, and creating a centralized Agile transformation team will be any different? The problem might be that we use our existing organizational values, operating models, and cultures to bring about transformational change. We’ll explore how to think of transformational change as a series of small movements that rely on feedback-driven planning, and incorporating ideas about how social change actually happens.

Om Jason:

Jason began his career as a web developer when Cold Fusion roamed the earth. Over the following years, he moved into management, Agile Coaching and consulting. The bumps and bruises collected along the way brought him to the realization that helping organizations adopt Agile practices was less about the practices, and all about change.

In 2008 he attended an experiential learning conference about how people experience change and since then, he’s been writing, and speaking, all over the world about helping organizations discover more effective practices for managing organizational change. He is the author of Lean Change Management and an international speaker who has spoken all over the world from Canada, the US, Finland, Germany, Australia, Belgium and more.


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