DevLin2017 - "Lean Change Management" med Jason Little

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DevLin2017 består av två workshops och en konferensdag. Jason Little kommer att hålla en tankeväckande och inspirerande workshop, "Lean Change Management", som kommer att förändra din syn på förändringsledning.


Workshop: "Testable Architectures" - Aslak Hellesøy

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Konferensdag: presentationer, inspiration och träffpunkter

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Workshop: "Lean Change Management" - Jason Little

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Workshop: Lean Change Management

Primär målgrupp: förändringsledare, chefer, processägare, coacher, scrum masters

This one-day intensive will coach you on how to use Agile and Lean techniques to facilitate change. The 3 step Lean Change cycle is an approach that uses ideas from Lean Startup, Agile, Organisational Development, and Change Management to help you design the best approach to your change objective.

As the pace of change increases, many organisations are finding that their existing change approach is not able to deliver effectively. On top of that, the challenge we all have is the need to respond to continually changing customer behaviours and demands.

Attending this Masterclass will help you address these real issues.

Who should attend:

  • Change Managers looking to add Agile and Lean change principles to their skills
  • Agile Project Managers and Coaches who can see that agile is about organisational change
  • Anyone tasked with delivering business results from change programs
  • Understand the changing business landscape and how to make sense of it
  • Learn what Agile is and how to apply Agile thinking to your change programs
  • Understand how to apply Agile and Lean techniques to your existing Change Management approach
  • Experience different activities that cover the planning, engagement and delivery phases of change programs.

Jason Little

Jason began his career as a web developer when Cold Fusion roamed the earth. Over the following years, he moved into management, Agile Coaching and consulting. The bumps and bruises collected along the way brought him to the realization that helping organizations adopt Agile practices was less about the practices, and all about change.

In 2008 he attended an experiential learning conference about how people experience change and since then, he’s been writing, and speaking, all over the world about helping organizations discover more effective practices for managing organizational change. He is the author of Lean Change Management and an international speaker who has spoken all over the world from Canada, the US, Finland, Germany, Australia, Belgium and more.

Jason recently released a new book called "Lean Change Management: Innovative Practices for Managing Organizational Change". He has also produced a video series titled  "Agile Transformation – A Guide to Organizational Change" which is available on Safari Books Online and InformIT. Jason is also a licensed Management 3.0 trainer, Lego Serious Play Facilitator, funder of Happy Melly, and lives in the Toronto area.


Priser exkl. moms:

Datum   Supertidig
(t.o.m 16/6)
(t.o.m 25/8)
(t.o.m 13/10)
(fr.o.m. 14/10)
18/10 Workshop: "Testable Architecture"   5900 6900 7900 Mer info!
19/10 Konferensdag 3200 3800 4800 5800 Mer info!
20/10 Workshop: "Lean Change Management"   5900 6900 7900 Anmäl dig nu!

Om du vill anmäla många deltagare, få rabatt för deltagande på flera delar eller är student, kontakta oss.

  • Inga rabatter under "Supertidig", därefter:
  • Konferensdagen: var 6:e gratis vid samtidig anmälan från samma företag
  • Deltagande på ena workshopen ger 50% rabatt på konferensdagen
  • Deltagande på båda workshoparna ger gratis deltagande på konferensdagen
  • Studenter på gymnasial och efter-gymnasial utbildning betalar 800SEK inkl. moms för konferensdagen
20 oktober, 2017 från 08:30 till 17:00
Konsert & Kongress,
Konsistoriegatan 7,
582 22 Linköping,
Priser (ex. moms)
Workshop inkl. lunch & fika 7 900,00 kr
Specialkost (meddela oss) 0,00 kr

Responsives nyhetsbrev levererar tips om modern systemutveckling och hur man bygger välfungerande utvecklingsprocesser och -organisationer. Du får förstås också nyheter om våra arrangemang före alla andra.

Teknikringen 10
Linköping, 58330
+46 (0)13 219250
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