The term Lean has become widely popular, particularly with the word “startup” attached to it. This has led many people to believe this is an approach to work relevant only to new companies or initiatives. Lean-curious companies who have tried to implement these ideals often stall at one or two teams citing organizational complexities, politics and dependencies as insurmountable obstacles to Lean Startup at scale. Can Lean Startup practices be scaled — not just as culture and philosophy but as tactical process? In this practical presentation, Jeff will share several methods for scaling Lean Startup techniques in large organizations exemplified in detailed case studies and professional experience. Jeff will cover knowledge management, intra-team dependencies, infrastructure requirements and several other elements of ensuring successful Lean Startup practices in companies of any size.

About Jeff:

Jeff is a designer, product strategist, team leader and author.

He's been teaching teams across the world to rave reviews. Jeff has been creating software products for over 17 years with companies like AOL, Fidelity, WebTrends & TheLadders and Neo Innovation.

In 2013 he wrote “Lean UX: Applying lean principles to improve user experience”, the award-winning book that quickly became the definitive guide to integrating user experience design with agile and lean software development approaches. @jboogie

Missa inte heldagsutbildningen med Jeff : LeanUX in the Enterprise : Agility through cross-functional collaboration

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