The craft of agile testing is maturing, and we have plenty of skilled and gifted testers in the industry, honing their skills, sharing experiences and techniques. But do you find that you have trouble making the success of individual testers scale from the few to the many? Does their great testing get diluted by the mediocrity of average testing in the organisation?

For your organisation to succeed with agile testing, you have to understand these things:

  • What goals you are trying to achieve
  • The prerequisites for success
  • The dependencies and connections between each of the above.

In this talk I will share my “Pillars of Testing” model, as featured in Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory’s book “More Agile Testing”. The model sets out the structures and dependencies that influence how effective our overall test effort can be in the organisation as a whole.

About David:

David Evans is an experienced agile consultant, coach and trainer with over 25 years of IT experience. A thought-leader in the field of agile quality, he has provided training and consultancy for clients worldwide. A regular speaker at events and conferences across Europe, David was voted Best Keynote Speaker at Agile Testing Days 2013. He is co-author of the best-selling books “50 Quick Ideas to Improve Your User Stories” and “50 Quick Ideas to Improve Your Tests”, was a contributor to the book “More Agile Testing”, and has also had several papers published in international IT journals. He currently lives and works in the UK, where he is a partner in Neuri Consulting LLP. He can be reached at on email and @DavidEvans66 on Twitter.

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