We know that it's never possible to get everything right up front. Whenever we do anything new, there are always discoveries to be made; always unknown unknowns waiting to bite... and every project has some aspect that's new. In the face of this uncertainty, how can we talk about what it is that we'll deliver? Is everything uncertain, or are there some aspects that can be understood up-front? When every project is an experiment that might not work, at least in our context, how can we decide what "done" looks like?

In this talk, Liz uses concepts from Behaviour-Driven Development, Feature Injection and Cynefin to examine the capabilities that we deliver on projects, independently of features, and shows how to use the same patterns of conversation at different scales to deliberately discover and refine the value - and the risk - of everything we do.

About Liz:


Responsives nyhetsbrev levererar tips om modern systemutveckling och hur man bygger välfungerande utvecklingsprocesser och -organisationer. Du får förstås också nyheter om våra arrangemang före alla andra.

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