DevLin2017 - "Testable Architecture" med Aslak Hellesøy

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DevLin2017 består av två workshops och en konferensdag. Aslak Hellesøy kommer att hålla en praktisk och handfast workshop om "Testable Architecture".


Workshop: "Testable Architectures" - Aslak Hellesøy

Anmäl dig nu!


Konferensdag: presentationer, inspiration och träffpunkter

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Workshop: "Lean Change Management" - Jason Little

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Workshop: Testable Architecture

Primär målgrupp: programmerare, testare, arkitekter, system- och produktägare

Automated tests and executable specifications can only work with software that has a testable architecture.

A testable architecture enables fast and reliable tests that are easy to write, execute and maintain. Many organisations have the opposite - slow and unreliable tests that are difficult to write and expensive to maintain.

What are the key principles behind a testable software architecture? How can you turn an untestable mess of an application architecture into something that is easy to test? Aslak will share proven techniques with you.

During this workshop, we will teach you how to decouple your domain logic from your infrastructure so that you can test at different levels, with maximum confidence and minimum cost.

You will learn

  • advanced techniques such as ports and adapters (hexagonal architecture), contract testing and test pyramid - all essential for a testable architecture.
  • how to use these techniques with different kinds of architectures such as microservices, SOA or monolithic systems.

We'll get people to work in pairs, but each pair must have access to a laptop. We'll run this using Cyber-Dojo, so no installation is necessary, but you must be comfortable working in Java, C# or C++.

Aslak Hellesøy

Aslak Hellesøy is the creator of Cucumber and co-founder of Cucumber Limited. He's worked as a professional programmer in a wide range of industries since 1998 and has created and maintained several popular open source projects since 2000. He's been practicing XP and BDD since 2003.

Aslak is obsessed with sub-second feedback when he's doing TDD.


Priser exkl. moms:

Datum   Supertidig
(t.o.m 16/6)
(t.o.m 25/8)
(t.o.m 13/10)
(fr.o.m. 14/10)
18/10 Workshop: "Testable Architecture"   5900 6900 7900 Anmäl dig nu!
19/10 Konferensdag 3200 3800 4800 5800 Mer info!
20/10 Workshop: "Lean Change Management"   5900 6900 7900 Mer info!

Om du vill anmäla många deltagare, få rabatt för deltagande på flera delar eller är student, kontakta oss.

  • Inga rabatter under "Supertidig", därefter:
  • Konferensdagen: var 6:e gratis vid samtidig anmälan från samma företag
  • Deltagande på ena workshopen ger 50% rabatt på konferensdagen
  • Deltagande på båda workshoparna ger gratis deltagande på konferensdagen
  • Studenter på gymnasial och efter-gymnasial utbildning betalar 800SEK inkl. moms för konferensdagen
18 oktober, 2017 från 08:30 till 17:00
Konsert & Kongress,
Konsistoriegatan 7,
582 22 Linköping,
Priser (ex. moms)
Workshop inkl. lunch & fika 7 900,00 kr
Specialkost (meddela oss) 0,00 kr
Teknikringen 10
Linköping, 58330
+46 (0)13 219250
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