A known problem in large software companies is to balance the prioritization of short-term with long-term feature delivery speed. Specifically, sub-optimal architecture solutions (Architecture Technical Debt) taken to deliver fast might hinder future feature development. We have investigated such phenomenon in 7 large software companies, identifying causes and patterns of accumulation of ATD, refactoring strategies and the "interest" paid for some dangerous ATD items (their impact on software development and increased effort). The technical problem is related to the recent shift towards Large-scale Agile Software Development .  Together with several companies, our partners in the Software Center, we have developed an organizational framework: Continuous Architecting Framework For Embedded software and Agile (CAFFEA). CAFFEA includes architecture activities, roles and tools for managing Architectural Technical Debt in large organizations employing Agile. Most of the results are being employed at the partners companies (currently 7) in the research project.

This presentation is divided in two parts. The first describes the problem area and the solution approach taken. The second part is a technical demo and Q&A session.

About Antonio:

Antonio Martini is a PhD Candidate in Software Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden (Licentiate of 2013). Antonio has worked as a developer in industry, carrying out various roles. Antonio is part of a research team including Jan Bosch, Matthias Tichy and also collaborating with Michel Chaudron.

Antonio is leading a project within a research consortium of academia and large international companies. Its current focus is on Architectural Technical Debt: a financial metaphor that represents sub-optimal architectural solutions taken as debt that needs to be repaid in the future with extra-effort (interest).

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