DevLin2023 - Improving your teamwork by working in an Ensemble, a.k.a Mob

 Arrangemanget är inte öppet för anmälningar.
Som en del av DevLin2023 erbjuder vi en workshop om utvecklingsarbete i grupp med Clare Sudbery. Denna workshop är på engelska.


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Konferensdag: presentationer, inspiration och träffpunkter

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Workshop: Improving your teamwork by working in an Ensemble, a.k.a Mob



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Clare Sudbery

Clare Sudbery is an independent technical coach with 23 years of software engineering experience. She specialises in TDD, refactoring, pair programming, continuous integration and other eXtreme Programming (XP) practices.


Ensemble programming, also known as mob programming, is like pair programming but more so. Described by Woody Zuill as "All the brilliant minds working together on the same thing, at the same time, in the same space, and at the same computer", it brings teams together to maximise collaboration and minimise bottlenecks. Some teams do it all the time, some use it as a targeted tool in particular circumstances - for instance when starting a new project, learning a new technology or onboarding new team members.

In this workshop we'll practice various techniques and learn how to make the ensemble work best.

We will program together, and you will need a laptop which has a fairly modern internet browser.

10 november, 2023 från 09:00 till 16:30
Responsive HQ,
Teknikringen 10, plan 7,
583 30 Linköping,
Priser (ex. moms)
Workshop inkl. lunch & fika 8 200,00 kr
Specialkost (meddela oss) 0,00 kr
Teknikringen 10
Linköping, 58330
+46 (0)13 219250
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