DevLin2024 - Workshop : Focused Improvement using Dysfunction Mapping with Michael Lloyd

If you have found it hard to keep focus on improvement activities in your development team or organisation, this full-day workshop Michael Lloyd will show you how "Dysfunction Mapping" can help you visualise, focus and plan activities that takes your improvement to the next level.


Workshop: Technical Coaching Masterclass - Emily Bache

Info och anmälan


Konferensdag: presentationer, inspiration och träffpunkter

Info och anmälan


Workshop: Dysfunction Mapping - Michael Lloyd



In this full-day, hands on course, you'll learn about Dysfunction Mapping by doing it.

Dysfunction Mapping leverages the collective intelligence of many Agile frameworks and tools, and gives you a structured, collaborative tool you can use to find, theme, and solve problems. Not only does this prevent the need for 'fire fighting', but it gives you measurable, demonstrable coaching outcomes you can iterate upon as you continue to support your organization.

You'll work with a small team of other agile practitioners to build a dysfunction map, engaging in many breakout activities (and with plenty of breaks, too!) Attendees should have a reasonable grasp of agile practices like Scrum, Kanban or XP to get the most out of the session.

From there, it only scales to your knowledge. The more experience you can bring, the more options you'll have in forming your Dysfunction Map.

What you'll get

  • Learn how to form a Dysfunction Map, guided by Michael Lloyd, the creator of the tool.
  • Access to a digital copy of the materials used in the session, useful for future Mapping activities.
  • A Miro Templates you can use for your own problem solving workshops.
  • 4x Digital card sets for Dysfunction Mapping activities.
  • A 'Dysfunction Mapping Practitioner' digital badge for your CV and linkedin profile.
Michael Lloyd

Michael Lloyd


Michael Lloyd is a Scrum Master and Agile Coach who’s been navigating the complexities of organizational systems for over a decade. During this time, Michael has developed Dysfunction Mapping, a tool that’s reshaping the way teams address and overcome challenges. His approach is hands-on, practical, and deeply rooted in the real-world experiences of agile practice.

At the heart of Michael’s work is a desire to create lasting change. He founded Honest Agile, where he’s known for his engaging workshops and insightful coaching sessions. Michael’s style is collaborative and approachable, always aiming to empower professionals with the skills they need to enhance their agile ‘Spidey-Sense’ and develop hypothesis-based coaching plans.

His sessions are not just about learning; they’re about experiencing and applying knowledge to make a tangible difference. Michael’s vision for Dysfunction Mapping is clear: it’s not just a methodology, it’s a movement towards more effective, empirical problem-solving in the agile world.


Prices vary up to the event. You can also get a discount if you participate in multiple parts of DevLin2024.

Code of Conduct

When you participate in a DevLin event, you are also committing to adhere to our Code of Conduct.

24 oktober, 2024 från 09:00 till 16:30
Priser (ex. moms)
Workshop inkl. lunch & fika 7 200,00 kr
Normal rabatt (t.o.m 20/10) −1 000,00 kr
Önskar specialkost (ange dina önskemål nedan)
Önskemål specialkost
Teknikringen 10
Linköping, 58330
+46 (0)13 219250
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