DevLin2019 - Workshop: Learn Fast - Jutta Eckstein

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Under DevLin2019 håller Jutta Eckstein en heldagsworkshop på temat "Learn Fast"


Workshop: Learn Fast - Jutta Eckstein

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Konferensdag: presentationer, inspiration och träffpunkter

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Workshop: Work Together Effectively Anywhere - Lisette Sutherland

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Learn Fast - Experimenting your way to Agile@Scale with BOSSA Nova

In order to be agile, and not just doing it, in development teams and on a larger scale, experimenting is essential. But it is not always easy to understand what experiments to undertake, or design them so that the learning is maximized. Although we might learn a lot from failing, but learning fast is much more important than failing fast.

In this workshop we will learn what learning fast means to every individual and the organization as a whole. We will device experiments that you can use in your company to become truly agile, and get the values that agile promise. By doing so you will also create an environment for continuous innovation.

BOSSA Nova is a synthesis between Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, Sociocracy and Agile, all well-known models with focus on slightly different contexts, but blended they create an excellent mix to build a truly agile organization.


  • Learn how to conduct experiments, how to learn from them, and how to scale them
  • Understand the prerequisites for creating your own experiments
  • Learn how to design experiments dependent on the outcome you aim for in respect to the environment you are in
  • Understand that everyone in an organization can foster learning (faster)
  • Develop strategies to apply faster learning in your own context

Jutta Eckstein

Jutta Eckstein is a well-known and experienced agile consultant, speaker, teacher and writer. She has helped many teams and organizations worldwide to make an Agile transition. She has a unique experience in applying Agile processes within medium-sized to large distributed mission-critical projects. She has published her experience in her books Agile Software Development in the Large, Agile Software Development with Distributed Teams, Retrospectives for Organizational Change, and together with Johanna Rothman Diving for Hidden Treasures: Uncovering the Cost of Delay in your Project Portfolio.

Jutta has recently co-written (actually pair-written) with John Buck a book on Company-wide Agility. This book focuses on synthesizing Beyond Budgeting, Open Space, Sociocracy, and Agility.

16 oktober, 2019 från 08:30 till 17:00
Responsive HQ,
Teknikringen 10, plan 7,
583 30 Linköping,
Priser (ex. moms)
Workshop inkl. lunch & fika 7 900,00 kr
Specialkost (meddela oss) 0,00 kr
Teknikringen 10
Linköping, 58330
+46 (0)13 219250
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