DevLin2024 - Workshop : Psychological Safety Awareness with Gitte Klitgaard

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Psychological safety is an area that has had a lot of attention for some years. For people to grow and learn, safety is a prerequisite (or makes it a lot easier).


Workshopdag (Technical Coaching Masterclass, Psychological Safety Awareness, Effektivt Samarbete)


Konferensdag (25 presentationer, inspiration och träffpunkter)


Workshopdag (Focused Improvement using Dysfunction Mapping, Introduktion till Mikado-metoden)


Workshopdag (Effektivitet genom objektivitet)


Psychological safety is an area that has had a lot of attention for some years. It is the most important of five characteristics that Google found in high-performing teams. Since they published that result, the amount of material and talks out there has just grown and grown, and it can be hard to get an overview. It can even be hard to tell the quality of the content. On regular basis, I see the misunderstanding that psychological safety is about feeling comfortable. And it is not.

Psychological safety is about feeling safe enough to try things out and speak up, to make mistakes and admit it. And in some situations, it is about feeling safe enough to be uncomfortable. For people to grow and learn, safety is a prerequisite (or makes it a lot easier).

It can be hard to understand what psychological safety actually means, and even harder to relate it the daily lives that we have. Because psychological safety is about how we feel, it can be many different things to different people. I have worked with psychological safety for over 7 years, and I am still learning all the time; come join me and start your learning journey :)

We will start the workshop by looking at definitions and discussing what that means to us, the people in the room. We will look into the difference between being safe and being comfortable, and try things out to get a good understanding.

Please be prepared to actively participate in group settings. This training will require your attention and contribution.

Gitte Klitgaard

Gitte Klitgaard


Gitte Klitgaard is an agile coach, leadership coach, trainer, advisor and mentor focusing on helping organizations implement psychological safety, responsibility, and accountability. She does this by working with teams and individuals as well as leadership. Gitte is authentic, she will cut to the chase, and help people become themselves thereby reaching success.

Her community contributions include organizing coach camps, and speaking at conferences, where she highlights and makes topics like mental health and psychological safety accessible. She creates safe and respectful environments at work and outside. She listens to and engages the more silent voices and minority groups. Gitte also contributes to the community by writing blogpost and on Bluesky as she shifted away from Twitter. She wrote a section about team safety in "The Art of Agile Development, 2. edition" by James Shore which was published in 2021.

In her spare time, Gitte collects LEGO and Yodas and keeps in touch with friends from all over the globe including some, she considers her second family.

Gitte is owner of Native Wired and has lead change at companies like IBM, LEGO, and Spotify.


Prices vary up to the event. You can also get a discount if you participate in multiple parts of DevLin2024.

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22 oktober, 2024 från 09:00 till 12:00
Priser (ex. moms)
Workshop inkl. fika 4 200,00 kr
Specialkost (maila oss dina önskemål)
Teknikringen 10
Linköping, 58330
+46 (0)13 219250
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